For over 100 years, the Egmont Foundation has supported thousands of children and families in challenging circumstances. Translated into modern currency, approximately 3,9 billion DKK has been distributed. Here you can read more about some of the initiatives we have supported over time - and those we are supporting today.

Børn der leger

Overview of grants

You can see all the grants we have given since 2017 here.
All grants are in DKK.

Sveriges Stadsmissioner
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

Der gives økonomisk støtte til børn i udsatte positioner i Stockholm, Göteborg og Skåne. Støtten går eksempelvis til julehjælp, sommeraktiviteter og udstyr og tøj ved skolestart. Den direkte, økonomiske støtte ledsages af mere langsigtede indsatser for at styrke børnenes trivsel og deres muligheder for social inklusion.

The Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

The Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association distributes financial support through counseling centers to relatives of people with addictions and/or mental health challenges. The goal of the support is to strengthen the children's social relationships and opportunities to live a normal childhood.

Danish People's Aid
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

Danish People's Aid assists families and children of single providers on transfer income who live in vulnerable life positions. This is partly through direct support that creates joy in the moment, and partly through long-term efforts that contribute to lasting change. The support is given, for example, as confirmation assistance, family activities, holiday help, Christmas aid, and back-to-school assistance.

Danish Foundation for Social Responsibility
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

The distributions are targeted at children, youth, and families in vulnerable residential areas. Financial support is provided to families participating in initiatives at Bydelsmødre or Baba. The support, for example, goes towards equipment for leisure activities, camp trips, and school.

The Danish Continuation School Association
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

The Danish Continuation School Association provides financial support for subsidies for boarding school stays to families with limited financial resources. Young people who are assessed to have a particular need for a continuation school stay due to learning difficulties or problems in school or with family are prioritized in the distributions.

The Danish Children’s Aid Foundation
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

Children and youth placed outside the home can, through the Children's IT Fund, be allocated support for a computer for school use. Children and youth with a placement background can also receive support to have a dream fulfilled through the Children's Aid Day Dream Bank.

Danish Mothers’ Aid
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

If you are pregnant or a parent of young children and are participating or have participated in a counseling program at Danish Mothers’ Aid, you can be allocated financial support for, for example, purchasing baby equipment or a leisure activity for the child.

Danish Red Cross
Equal opportunities for children in poverty

Financial support is distributed to families in vulnerable situations who participate in Red Cross activities, for example, for leisure activities, children's birthdays, and participation in school and holiday camps. Support is also provided to young refugees who have arrived in Denmark unaccompanied.

Børns Vilkår
On the way to a youth education

Since 2019, Egmont has collaborated with Children's Welfare to increase well-being in schools and reduce concerning absenteeism. With this initiative, Children's Welfare aims to disseminate the free tools they have developed for schools and municipalities to use in their work to prevent and manage absenteeism.

Høje-Taastrup Municipality
A good start in life

Children's language is important for their development – both academically and socially. With a grant from the Egmont Foundation, Høje-Taastrup Municipality is launching an ambitious initiative aimed at 800 children aged 0-3 years who are at risk of not developing age-appropriate language. The donation supports Egmont's strategic goal of early reduction of learning inequality, so that all children can complete a secondary education.


from our foundation support

We bring stories to the world that matter to people and society. Through our support for children and young people, we help to enlighten, inspire, and push for changes.

Barn med hund på strand
Support for children and young people
A good start in life for all Bornholmers

Bornholm should be an island of opportunity where the smallest Bornholmers have the best possible start to life with their families. This is the vision for De små børns Bornholm (in English The small children in Bornholm), which among other things has created close collaboration between the municipality and civil society - for the benefit of the little ones and the whole family.

Unge piger i skoven
Support for children and young people
For more youth and less illness

Young people living with an illness are at risk of their illness taking over their teenage years. The vision of Egmont’s new signature programme, SygtStærk (in English StayStrong), is that everyone should be able to complete a youth education and live a good teenage life despite illness. 

Dreng i skole
Support for children and young people
Absenteeism is solved together

It requires a joint effort when children and young people show worrying school absence. Together with the organisation Børns Vilkår (in English Children’s Wellfare), Egmont works to reduce school absence in order to support good child lives and learning in school.