Egmont is the largest media group in the Nordics. We bring stories to life through TV, film, games, books and magazines, and simultaneously, we support children and young people at risk to pursue a good life. That is our dual purpose.

Dreng der blæser sæbebobler
Support for children and young people

As an enterprise foundation, we support children and young people at risk to take an education, have an active voice in society, and create a good life. Each year, we use about 100 million DKK from the profits of our media business to help children and young people in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 

Still fra Pigen med nålen
© Victoria Carmen Sonne fra filmen Pigen med Nålen

A selection of our brands

from across Egmont

We bring stories life that have significance for people and society. Through means such as TV, film, games, books, magazines, we are driven by stories that enlighten, entertain, inspire, educate, and push for change.

Børn laver lektier i skolen/Children doing homework in school
Support for children and young people
Strengthens the learning and life skills of children and young people

Only 3 out of 10 children at risk pass the public school's final examination in 9th grade. Therefore, the Egmont Foundation started Learn for Life in 2012, which today is a successful learning program.

Parabol hænger på et hus/ Parabola hanging on a house
Strong stories
TV 2 reveals: Russians own cabins in Norway

It caused a stir both nationally and internationally when TV 2 in Norway revealed that Russians with ties to President Vladimir Putin own cabins in the middle of one of the most important military areas in northern Norway.

Kvinde kigger ned/Woman looks down
Strong stories
“The Girl with the Needle” chills and strikes viewers

Nordisk Film is behind the riveting drama about the woman Dagmar, who helps mothers find foster families for their unwanted children. A film in black and white, based on true events, which has taken the international film world by storm. 

Kamera foran LED scene/Camera in front of LED stage
Innovative Business
Innovative film and series production with Nordisk Film’s LED stage

The future of film production has moved into the heart of Nordisk Film, which is home to the first full 360° LED stage in the Nordics. Here, film and series makers have endless opportunities to tell stories in an innovative, creative and more sustainable way. 

Kameramand på location/Photographer on location
Go to work and make a difference

Our stories and work matter to people and society. Through our stories, we create experiences and bring important voices out into the world, while in our charitable work, we make a difference for the children and young people who struggle the most. When you work at Egmont, you are contributing to making an impact on our society.