Anders And og Rip, Rap og Rup/ Donald Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie

Donald Duck teaches children about online safety

Along with the Center for Digital Pædagogik, Story House Egmont has published a special Danish issue of Donald Duck & Co. on digital safety for children with a focus on apps and gaming.

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Donald Duck thinks he is chatting with Daisy on RapChat, but he gets a surprise, because it is Hexia de Trix who is hiding behind Daisy's picture. This is how the story "The Safety Expert" begins in a special issue of Donald Duck & Co., which aims to teach children and young people how to act safely online. 

With digital and social media, you can explore magical worlds in computer games, chat with friends, watch funny videos and find new knowledge. But why are social media and games so good at capturing and maintaining attention? And who is it that answers when you write with a chatbot? The special Danish issue of Donald Duck & Co "Online with Anders" provides some of the answers.  

The magazine is published by Story House Egmont in collaboration with Center for Digital Pædagogik with support from Teleindustrien, Telenor, Norlys, Fibia, Telia and YouSee, and was distributed free of charge in the telecom stores. The magazine is an update of a previous special issue with new stories and articles and the subtitle Digital Security.

In the magazine, children and young people can read about the things they need to be aware of so that social media and games continue to be fun and safe. They can also read about Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge and about their challenges with screens and security. In the magazine, children are encouraged to read it with an adult, and there are topics for further conversation: When are you safe? What is artificial intelligence? What do you share and with whom? When is it important that the family turns off and packs away the screens?

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