TV 2's success "Spillet" breaks through in Norway
More than a million Norwegians watched when TV 2's latest reality venture Spillet was launched in February last year. Here, twelve celebrities had to duel in a game of money, power and social relations to avoid being eliminated.
With no idea of what Spillet will bring, 12 Norwegian celebrities are taken to an unknown destination where they will live together for 12 days. In a social survival game where participants decide who gets eliminated, their mental and social strength is put to the test every day in new games and unfair surprises.
"It's not easy to introduce a completely new TV concept in 2024, but with Spillet we've really hit the spot. The audience loves it, and simply can't get enough," says program editor Trygve Rønningen from TV 2.
The blockbuster series is based on a South Korean TV format, where Norway and TV 2 were the first to invest in the new reality concept outside South Korea. Based on the popularity of the first season with over 900,000 average viewers per episode, TV 2 has already recorded season 2 with new celebrities and unpredictable twists. The second season premieres in early March this year.
TV 2 believes so much in Spillet that in December 2024 they announced that they will start filming another season in early 2025.
"In the best spirit of Spillet we are introducing a new twist and opening the doors for registrations for all those who would like to try their hand at Spillet,” says Trygve Rønningen.
In addition to Spillet TV 2 also has other popular entertainment programs such as ”Farmen” and ”Kompagni Lauritzen”, which together bring together millions of Norwegians.