Egmont works with social compliance through the Egmont Social Compliance Programme. The programme includes products such as books, magazines, toys, activity products and license products.

The work with Egmont’s Code of Conduct (CoC) is put into practice in the Egmont Social Compliance Programme. The programme has a dual focus on responsible supply chain management and product safety and quality. Egmont prioritises the work with social compliance to ensure that Egmont’s products are produced in accordance with Egmont’s CoC and with respect for the people that produce the products. At the same time, it is also important to Egmont that the products are safe to use and comply with current legislation.

Responsible Supply Chain Management
Auditing of first tier/core suppliers and relevant subcontractors falls under responsible supply chain management. This means that both new and existing suppliers of books, magazines, toys, activity products and licensed products shall go through an auditing process to be approved to produce Egmont products and licensors’ products.

The suppliers are chosen for social audits based on Egmont’s risk matrix:

  • Group 1: Suppliers are audited every 12 months
  • Group 2: Suppliers are audited every 12-24 months
  • Group 3: Suppliers are audited ad hoc

In practice, a social audit is conducted in the following manner: An auditor shows up at the factory and confirms compliance with human rights, workers’ rights, protection of the environment, and anti-corruption. This is done via document analysis, a walkthrough of the factory to confirm appropriate working conditions, and interviews with employees and management.

Egmont’s Zero Tolerances
Egmont has five zero tolerance issues, which Egmont does not accept at suppliers where Egmont’s products are produced. These are:

  • child labour
  • forced labour
  • Severe health and safety findings with the risk of workers losing life and/or limb
  • Compliance with legal, minimum salary
  • Corruption and bribery

If a zero tolerance is detected at a supplier, Egmont engages immediately and the supplier is included in a surveillance programme consisting of documentation requirements and follow-up audits to confirm that the violations of Egmont’s CoC have been remedied before the production can commence/continue.