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New release from the Egmont Foundation aims to put children and young people at risk on the agenda

With a new regular release, the Egmont Foundation aims to focus on several challenges that children and young people at risk experience, and contribute to conversations on how we as a society solve them.

07.10.2024Support for children and young people

What does it mean for children and young people to grow up in poverty? What is the school experience like for children living in difficult life conditions? And what kind of support do the children and young people themselves demand?

These are just some of the perspectives that Egmont aims to focus on in a new regular release, Egmont Insight. With this new format, Egmont is now increasing its efforts to continuously produce and share knowledge and insights about children and young people at risk. Ideally, this will be done in dialogue and collaboration with other stakeholders.

"After more than 100 years of working with grant support, we know that we can make the greatest difference by contributing more than just money. Therefore, for several years, we have combined our financial support with sharing knowledge and insights about and with the most vulnerable children and young people. In this way, we want to contribute to constructive conversations on how we, as a society, can better support children and young people. We are now increasing our focus on this aspect of our work," says Heidi Sørensen, Director of Egmont's Grant Administration.

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Knowledge and insights about children and young people are an essential part of the philanthropic toolkit

Knowledge is an important prerequisite for society to solve major social challenges, such as the fact that too many children and young people do not receive an education. While the Egmont Foundation provides financial support to children and young people in the present, the foundation also works on the long term to create positive societal changes for the benefit of those who are most disadvantaged.

In this way, Egmont is also part of the trend both in Denmark and internationally, where foundations actively engage and contribute to societal development with more than just financial means. And for Egmont, the new publication, Egmont Insight, plays an important role in this effort.

With Egmont Insight, the ambition to make knowledge and insights available in collaboration with decision-makers and stakeholders working for children and young people at risk continues. The purpose of Egmont Insight is also to inspire other organizations to invest in initiatives that benefit children and young people, motivate actors in the field, and serve as a basis for the Egmont Foundation's own grants. The themes for each publication will be determined in dialogue with other stakeholders in the field.


Egmont Insight replaces the Egmont Report

Egmont Insight replaces the annual Egmont Report, which Egmont has published once a year for the past ten years, focusing on a specific topic related to children and young people at risk. In the new format, Egmont Insight maintains the same high-quality analysis, but streamlines and modernizes the format to make it more accessible and user-friendly. At the same time, the frequency of publications increases, so that Egmont can contribute new knowledge and insights more frequently in the areas the foundation works for, and preferably in collaboration with others. This way, Egmont Insight will contribute to the long-term efforts of the foundation to create positive changes for children and young people in difficult life conditions.


Additional facts

  • Egmont Insight will be published twice a year as a starting point, distributed to the recipients of Egmont Foundation grants, and will be accessible to everyone on egmont.com. The first edition of Egmont Insight will be released in the autumn of 2024.

  • Egmont is an enterprise foundation with a dual purpose. It operates in the media business and supports children and young people at risk in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in completing a youth education and creating a good life.