For over 100 years, the Egmont Foundation has supported thousands of children and families in challenging circumstances. Translated into modern currency, approximately 3,9 billion DKK has been distributed. Here you can read more about some of the initiatives we have supported over time - and those we are supporting today.

Overview of grants
You can see all the grants we have given since 2017 here.
All grants are in DKK.
With a new regular publication - Egmont Insight - the Egmont Foundation aims to shed light on several challenges experienced by children and young people at risk, and contribute to conversations about how we, as a society, can solve them. In this first issue, the focus is on children and young people growing up in poverty.
Through the project "Parent Mathematics," parents are provided with inspiration to use words and concepts from mathematics in everyday situations to enhance their children's motivation and interest in mathematics. In addition, the Mathematics Center's collection of materials is expanded with a focus on parents on "Webmatematik," so parents can also find inspiration and assistance online.
Through DOIT, Save the Children Sweden emphasizes the importance of children's leisure time at a local level. DOIT is a collaboration between Save the Children Sweden, schools, and the Swedish Sports Association.
The ambition with the support is for Modstrøm to become an even stronger voice in policy and practice development for all of the 43,000 young people who are on the edge of education and employment. And for them to strengthen their work with youth communities and student democracy. Because every young person deserves a community and a voice.
Guttas Campus offers a one-year learning program for Norwegian boys who face challenges in school, which enhances their academic, personal, and social skills before continuing on to further education. The learning program serves as a supplement to primary school and consists of a learning camp, where the boys return home with a backpack full of successful experiences. The program is also complemented by group mentor meetings.
The program helps facilitate the transition of Ukrainian youth from being refugees to becoming hosts and co-creators in local meeting places as a foundation for integration in Danish society, including schools, clubs, and various associations.
With the Greenlandic Children's Association's mentoring program, Suluk, adult mentors support young people in their transition to adulthood.
The "Activity Guide" project is a free initiative for children and youth living in vulnerable areas who currently do not have equal opportunities to participate in leisure and sports activities.
University College Copenhagen (KP) is launching a new guidance initiative aimed at dyslexic students during the transition from primary school to further education. The ambition is to strengthen the students' mastery of their own dyslexia and support them in their educational choices.
LæseLeg is a tool developed by the Mary Foundation in close collaboration with VIA University College and the Language and Reading Tracks of the Libraries to create safer and more enjoyable transitions from early childhood education to school, with a focus on language, play, and social relationships.
from our foundation support
We bring stories to the world that matter to people and society. Through our support for children and young people, we help to enlighten, inspire, and push for changes.

Bornholm should be an island of opportunity where the smallest Bornholmers have the best possible start to life with their families. This is the vision for De små børns Bornholm (in English The small children in Bornholm), which among other things has created close collaboration between the municipality and civil society - for the benefit of the little ones and the whole family.

Young people living with an illness are at risk of their illness taking over their teenage years. The vision of Egmont’s new signature programme, SygtStærk (in English StayStrong), is that everyone should be able to complete a youth education and live a good teenage life despite illness.

It requires a joint effort when children and young people show worrying school absence. Together with the organisation Børns Vilkår (in English Children’s Wellfare), Egmont works to reduce school absence in order to support good child lives and learning in school.