Our agencies build brands in the digital world. Specialising in performance marketing, social media, new technology and powerful content, our agencies help brands tell their stories and strengthen their market position. 

Mand går på gang med computer/ Man walking in a hallway with his computer

Our agencies

from agencies

We bring stories to life that matter to people and society. Through TV, film, games, books, magazines and more, we are driven by stories that enlighten, entertain, inspire, educate, and push for change.

Mennesker på en scene/ People on stage
Entrepreneurship in Sweden's suburbs

At Egmont, we support young entrepreneurs in Sweden with donations and contributions from two of our agencies.

Portræt af kvinde/Portrait of a woman
Innovative Business
Let your imagination run wild with AI

Our digital performance marketing agency s360 is now offering automatic AI solutions for their customers – due to a dedicated effort in testing and playing with AI.

Hænder på et bord/ Hands on a table
Strong stories
Industry knowledge, specialists and technology deliver results 

“Many companies and agencies are similar to Ingager, but our technical know-how combined with creativity and great commitment to the outcome is difficult to imitate. We prioritise our long-term collaborations. What we do together with the companies must have a long-term impact,” says Jimmy Jakobsson, who founded Ingager in 2011 and is still the CEO of the company.  

Tre kollegaer hos S360
Strong stories
One percent better – every single day

With more than 300 employees, performance marketing agency s360 has grown from humble beginnings in an attic in the heart of Aarhus 12 years ago to a company with nine offices in six countries. s360 helps a wide range of national and international companies with digital sales and transformation.