When you and your organization wish to apply for support from Egmont, you need to go through a few steps.

Before submitting a formal application, start by sending us a short digital enquiry describing the project idea. This way, you will know relatively quickly if the initiative has the potential to receive support from the Egmont Foundation. 

If, based on your enquiry, we believe the initiative has the potential to receive support from the Egmont Foundation, we will contact you to discuss it further. Out of respect for your time, please do not write an application without us asking you first. 

If we invite you to submit an application and the application is accepted, the Egmont Grant Administration will recommend to the Board of Trustees that you should be granted support. It is Egmont’s Board of Trustees that decides whether the application can be granted. 


See the entire process here:

We support organisations and initiatives that work for children and young people at risk in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We are committed to ensuring a good childhood and youth life, which equip all children and young people to take an education, actively participate in society, and create a good life.

Egmont primarily supports civil society organisations, and private and public organisations. 

Egmont does not support independent construction or conversion activities such as shelters, playgrounds, computer equipment, scout huts, multi-purpose halls, parkour courses or the purchase of e.g. cargo bikes and IT equipment.

Egmont does not support events, excursions, study trips or the like per se. However, Egmont might do so if it is part of a larger initiative.

Egmont supports children and young people in vulnerable positions in collaboration with other organisations. If you are a private individual – and not part of an organisation or institution – you cannot apply for support from Egmont for yourself, your family or friends. However, the Egmont Foundation does provide direct support to families and children with special needs, but the support is distributed by our partner organisations. This support is called ‘A Helping Hand’ (in Dansih En Håndsrækning) and is distributed by the Danish Mothers’ Aid Organisation, Red Cross Denmark, the Danish Children’s Aid Foundation, Danish Peoples’ Aid, the Danish Social Responsibility Foundation, The Danish Continuation School Association, the Swedish City Mission Movement and the Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association. Read more on the organisations’ own websites.

*The organisations' Scandinavian names: Mødrehjælpen, Røde Kors Danmark, Børnehjælpsdagen, Dansk Folkehjælp, Fonden for Socialt Ansvar, Efterskoleforeningen, Svenske Stadsmissioner og Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening. 

Before you submit an enquiry to Egmont, it is a good idea to read about what we support, how you and your organisation can apply and our requirements and expectations for accounts, budgets and other documentation. You can find the information throughout our website or via the links in the bottom of the page.

There is no application deadline. Enquiries, which are a short description of your project idea, are considered on an ongoing basis.

We strive to process enquiries as quickly as possible and within 1-3 weeks. During holiday periods, response times may be longer.

We do not accept supplementary material for the enquiry. Simply fill out the digital form, which you can find here

How we assess your enquiry

When we assess whether your organisation’s initiative has the potential to receive support from Egmont, we consider:

  • Does it match Egmont’s philanthropic strategy?

  • Does it align with our current key focus areas?

  • How are the perspectives of children and young people part of the initiative?

  • What change is the initiative expected to bring about for children and young people at risk, and how many will benefit from it?

  • What knowledge and experience is the initiative based on and what qualifications do your organisation have? 

  • Can the initiative be continued and/or disseminated after our collaboration ends?


Anne Bergvith Sørensen

Anne B. Sørensen

Program Manager
Jørgen Anker

Jørgen Anker

Program Manager
Liv Fisker

Liv Fisker

Program Manager
Louise Hvid Jensen

Louise Hvid Jensen

Program Manager